Tuesday, December 10th, 2024

The Dangers of Bath Salts

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Latest Post, Mephedrone, Substance Abuse

Bath salts are the latest in a line of “legal” synthetic drugs to hit the market. Bath salts are marketed and sold under the guise of bath additives, which is why they are legal in many states. Law enforcement officials are alarmed at the effects of these drugs, which have been known to cause paranoia and intense hallucinations. Emergency room personnel report that patients who have ingested bath salts are so highly agitated and violent that they sometimes require a whole medical team to restrain them. Sometimes even powerful sedatives are not sufficient in calming these people down. Bath started turning up regularly in the United States last year and have proliferated in recent months, alarming doctors, who say they have unusually dangerous and long-lasting effects.

Cops Crack Down on Underage Drinking During Spring Break

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Latest Post

  Throughout Florida, law enforcement officials are combing the beaches, looking for underage drinkers. Officials have made over 1,000 arrests this month. Alcohol is the drug of choice among teenagers. The incidence of alcohol abuse among minors spikes over school holidays like spring break. The beach, clubs, and alcohol are all part of the spring […]

Mexican Drug Gangs Using Kids as Mules

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Latest Post

In the last three years, US border officials have seen a ten-fold increase in the number of minors bringing drugs into the U.S from Mexico. Mexican gangs have started to increase the number of children they employ as drug “mules” to bring drugs across the U.S.-Mexican border. Usually, these drug mules hide drugs in their […]

List of Hallucinogenic Drugs

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Hallucinogenic Drugs, Latest Post

Hallucinogenic drugs are any drugs with psychoactive effects. They cause change in perception, thought, and emotion. They are not physically addicting. Unlike other psychoactive drugs, hallucinogenic drugs do not amplify familiar states of mind; they induce states that are outside of regular consciousness. Memory and intellectual impairment are minimal. List of Hallucinogenic Drugs: LSD LSD […]